Giving to God
Choose a Specific Fund or Cause
Thank you for being a part of God’s work through Living Stones SDA Church ministries. If you have never felt God’s love and blessings through giving before, we invite you to be a part of His miracles by blessing others in your community. When you click HERE, you will see choices of ministries to donate. There is not charge to donate at ADVENTISTGIVING.ORG. If you wish to set up reoccuring charges, it is available at no charge to you or our church.
Also, if you don’t see a ministry of your choice, please place your donation under “Special Project” and email us at to let us know how to earmark your donation.

Popular Funds
Project 20/20
Help our church eliminate long standing debt of $111,364 of debt that was either created by our church in the past years or transferred to our church when CVAS closed (it was for a building built in 2003 that is our property once the debt is removed.)
Potluck Fund
Every Sabbath we provide vegetarian dishes (without meat and seafood) to everyone who attends our church service.
Everyone is welcomed to come eat with our church family and fellowship with us after our worship service.
Children’s Choir
Every first Sabbath of the month our young parents bring their children after potluck for an hour of practice and arts and crafts time with our teachers.
Besides singing during our worship service, the children also sing at convalescents in our communities and spread Jesus’ love and joy through their singing.