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Call to Prayer - Every Tuesday @ 7 p.m.

Join us for a message from the the Bible and afterward Intercession Prayers for all in need.  If you would Pastor John to pray for you, you can send in a Yellow Card with your prayer request.  CLICK HERE to go to the Streams of Life Youtube Channel to partake in Call to Prayer.

Friday Evening Bible Study

Every Friday Evening at 7:00 p.m. we have an online Bible Study through Google MEET.  It is facilitated and often taught by Ryan Lacson, our Cross Trainer.  If you wish to join Here at 6:45 p.m. every Friday Evening.  Let’s learn the Bible together.

Click Here to join on Friday Evening.

If you do not have a smartphone or a browser to join then call in

The Phone Number is: 1 (513) 760 – 5398

Meeting PIN: 531 274 217



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We would love to have you worship with us whether you are On-Location or On-Line.  We LIVE-Stream every Sabbath starting at 10:57 a.m.  We are always looking ready to worship with you.

You Have A Family

We human beings were meant to be with a family.  In the beginning God created family.

After creating all of the elements and the biosphere of this earth God brought the first family together and they had harmony with one another and with God until that harmony was broken.

Our first parents made a very bad choice. Not only did it hurt the relationship between our God and us but it ruptured the relationships that God built to be in harmony with one with another.

Our first parents made a choice to know the difference between good and evil.  They chose to know pain and life out of connection with our loving Heavenly Father.  Because of this we were disconnected with each other.  Because of this choice families and relationships have been torn apart by rivalries, pain and deceptions.

But, I have good news for you!

Even though we were separated from God and from each other our living Heavenly Father made a choice.  God chose to send his only son Jesus came to this earth and reconnect is with Himself and with each other.

Jesus came down.  He was born as a human just like all of us.  Born into a dirty world where relationships were broken. Born into a smelly manger where poverty reigned.  He came into this world so that He could make you a part of His family.

Jesus came and lived a life of reconciliation.  He called everyone to become a part of His family.   Some accepted, others didn’t.  He loved them all.

Jesus died on a cross to earn redemption of us all.  To redeem us, to buy us back.  Jesus died and on the third day rise again to seal is with His love.

Jesus calls us all to be in His family…His church.  We are family, The family of God.   You are called to become a part of His family here at Living Stones & Sunland - Tujunga SDA Churches.

We would love you to discover the love of a family from every ethnicity, language group, political ideology and race.   Our common heritage and identity is rooted in Jesus Christ Himself and His rules that He gives us to live.

Come and be a part of His family.

“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.”


-  1 John‬ ‭3:1‬ ‭

Yellow Card Information & Prayer Request Form

Click Here to Submit a Prayer Request or Connect with Pastor John

Yellow Card For Baptism

Click Here to Submit a yellow card to request baptism for myself or my child to begin classes to be baptized.

Yellow Card Seventh-day Adventist Membership Transfer Request Form

Click Here to Submit a Seventh-day Adventist Member Transfer Request.  We are so happy that you are taking the time to become a art of our Church Family.

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